Legal Disclaimer

Disclaimer: Veteran Rating Increase

Please be advised that Veteran Rating Increase is not a law firm, and its personnel are not licensed attorneys. We are neither affiliated nor associated with legal practitioners or medical providers. Veteran Rating Increase offers general guidance and information concerning VA disability claims, and it does not address specific inquiries pertaining to individual veterans’ claims. We do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal or medical counsel. Under no circumstances do we assess the legal sufficiency of your responses, render legal conclusions, furnish legal advice, or apply legal principles to the particulars of your unique circumstances.

It is essential to understand that Veteran Rating Increase is not an accredited agent or in any way connected with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This website should not be regarded as a substitute for the counsel of a qualified attorney. Please be aware that Veteran Rating Increase does NOT offer assistance with the preparation, submission, or prosecution of claims, nor do we submit claims on behalf of veterans. Moreover, we do not complete any paperwork for submission to the VA, including, but not limited to, a Veteran’s Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ).

The information provided on this website, encompassing text, graphics, images, and other materials, is intended solely for informational purposes.

Veteran Rating Increase and/or its third-party affiliates make NO representations, guarantees, warranties, or assurances regarding the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the content found on this website or any websites linked to it. The statistical data presented on the Veteran Rating Increase website is based on average results and constitutes a general estimate rather than being specific to any particular claim. Always seek the counsel of a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction before making any decisions, and do not delay in seeking such advice based on information you have encountered on this website.